Images by Marcie Reif
If you’re the proud parent of a Little Leaguer, you may be wondering how to capture awesome shots of the game. These photos can become precious memories, and in this blog, the camera lens manufacturer experts at Tamron will discuss a few quick tips for photographing Little League baseball games.
TIP 1: Grab Your Telephoto Lens and Your Monopod
As a rule, you’ll want to use a telephoto lens for sports photos, since this lets you get closer to the players on the field. The Tamron 70-300mm F/4.5-6.3 DI III RXD (Model A047) is an excellent choice if you need a mirrorless lens for Sony E or Nikon Z cameras. If you need a little more reach, take a look at the 50-400mm F/4.5-6.3 DI III VC VXD (Model A067), also for Sony E and Nikon Z mirrorless. The Tamron 100-400mm F/4.5-6.3 Di VC USD (Model A035) is perfect for Canon and Nikon DSLR mounts, or mirrorless cameras with the manufacturer adapter. Don’t forget a monopod, either. This helps you get crisp shots – and avoid holding a heavy lens and camera for hours at a time!
TIP 2: Use A Wide-Open Aperture to Blur the Background
Set your aperture as low as it will go (e.g., f/4.5 or f/6.3. A low f-number (or f-stop) means that the lens will let in the most possible light. Not only does this allow for crisp, blur-free shots of your subject, but it also softens and blurs the background for a portrait-like effect.
TIP 3: Toggle Aperture Priority Mode for the Fastest Shutter Speed
This is usually marked as “A” or “AV” on most cameras. Aperture priority allows your camera to automatically select the fastest and best shutter speed based on your aperture settings, which is ideal for sports photos. If your shutter speed drops below 1/500th sec., consider raising your ISO to get a faster shutter speed to avoid motion blur.
TIP 4: Set Your Camera to Burst Mode and Continuous Autofocus
Burst mode will allow you to capture several images while following the players for successful action photos.
TIP 5: Capture Emotions on The Field
Don’t be afraid to capture both joy and disappointment. Kids wear their emotions on their faces. A photo of a player sulking after a strikeout can be just as powerful as a player celebrating after getting a base hit or making a great play!
Need to buy new Tamron lenses, like the 70-300mm or 50-400mm? As a top worldwide camera lens manufacturer, we know you’ll be happy with our telephoto lenses and all our other products. Shop today at a dealer near you to get what you need.
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