Network Surveillance Camera Lenses

Since Tamron released the first Vari-Focal lens in 1986, Tamron has been a pioneer of C- and CS-mount lenses that provide an adjustable focal length to meet each particular surveillance need.


Mega-Pixel lenses are suitable for sensors with a resolution of 720p or more

Model Imager Size Focal Length F No.
m117vg3817ir M117VG3817IR 1/1.7 3.8-17 F/1.4
m118vg1250ir M118VG1250IR 1/1.8" 12-50mm
m118vg1250ir M118VP1250IR
m118vg413ir M118VG413IR 4-13mm F/1.5
m118vm413ir M118VM413IR
m118vg413ir M118VP413IR
m118vg413ir M118VG413IRCS
m118vm413ir M118VM413IRCS
m118vg413ir M118VP413IRCS
m13vg288 M13VG288IR 1/2.7" 2.8-8mm F/1.2
m13vm288 M13VM288IR
m13vg288 M13VP288IR
m13vg850 M13VG850IR 8-50mm F/1.6
m13vg850 M13VP850IR
m13vg2713ir M13VG2713IR 1/2.7 2.7-13mm F/1.4
m13vg555ir M13VG555IR 5-55mm F/1.6
m13vg550ir M13VG550IR 1/3" 5-50mm
m12vg412 M12VG412 1/2" 4-12mm F/1.4
m12vm412 M12VM412


High-Resolution lenses are cost-effective solutions for sensors with a resolution of 720p or less.

Model Imager Size Focal Length F No.
13vg2812asII 13VG2812ASII-SQ 1/3" 2.8-12mm F/1.4
13vx308asirii 13VG308ASIRII 3-8mm F/1.0
13vm308asir 13VM308ASIRII
13vg1040asirsq 13VG1040ASIR-SQ 10-40mm F/1.4
13vg1040asirsq 13VG550ASII-SQ 5-50mm
13vm550asII_image 13VM550ASII
12vg412asirsq 12VG412ASIR-SQ 1/2" 4-12mm F/1.2
12vm412asir 12VM412ASIR
12vg1040asirsq 12VG1040ASIR-SQ 10-40mm F/1.4
12vm1040asir 12VM1040ASIR

Tamron Variable Focus Surveillance Camera Lenses

A variable focus camera lens(vari-focal) enables you to adjust not only the focal length but also the angle of view and the level of zoom. This is different than standard zoom lenses, which remain in focus as the lens zooms in. Also referred to as varifocal lenses, these lenses are well suited for surveillance cameras in addition to a variety of other commercial and industrial uses.

The main benefit of a variable focus surveillance camera lens (vari-focal) is the ability to adjust it to find the perfect field of view. Once the field has been set, it stays the same until you need to adjust it again. This adaptability is crucial to meeting very specific surveillance needs. Whether you need to keep close eyes on an access point or a wide view of a large space, these varifocal camera lenses can do it all.

At Tamron, we make it easy to find the right C-mount camera lens you need for your intended network surveillance application. Here, you can find manual iris, DC auto iris, and P iris variable focus camera lenses with varying imager sizes, focal lengths, and aperture ranges. No matter what kind of variable focus camera lens (vari-focal) you need, we have a solution.

There are many reasons why you may want a variable focus CS-mount lens (vari-focal) instead of a fixed camera lens. If you don’t know the specific field of view required for an application, a variable focus lens would be a smart choice because you can always adjust the lens to get the view you want. These kinds of surveillance camera lenses also offer unmatched long-term flexibility, so if your use of a system or needs change over time, the varifocal needs can adapt reliably. Lastly, a variable focus camera lens(vari-focal) offers much sharper and clearer image quality, as it allows you to focus on areas of interest and use the full resolution of the camera to produce an exceptionally high-quality image.

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