Consejos de fotografía de aventura y zooms Tamron rápidos

Imágenes y texto de Sentry Kelly @operation.adventure

As an adventure photographer, I often find myself carrying my gear deep into the backcountry and up mountainsides. It’s vital that my photography kit is lightweight, durable, and compact. For these reasons I always keep my Tamron 17-28mm /F2.8 DI III RXD y 35-150 mm F/2-2,8 DI III VXD in my backpack and ready for an adventure. This lens combination has reduced my “Essential Trio” of lens into a “Dynamic Duo”. When utilizing the cropped sensor function on my camera I’m able to achieve a focal range from 17-225mm at f/2.8 with two lenses. It’s hard to describe how beneficial this is for long trips into the mountains.

Tamron 17-28mm F2.8 DI III RXD (Modelo A046)

Have you ever found yourself amid a beautiful massive landscape and snapped a picture only to find that the picture doesn’t capture the moment? Yeah, me too. But since shooting with the ultra-wide 17-28mm I’ve found that capturing a more captivating scene has become easier.

Con un peso de 14,8 oz. apenas noto este objetivo en mi bolsa. Es mi objetivo preferido para las largas jornadas en la montaña. Ofrece una calidad impresionante en un paquete ultraligero.

A menudo empezamos nuestras escaladas antes del amanecer y la gran abertura f/2,8 hace que capturar esas fotos con poca luz a primera hora de la mañana sea pan comido.

While rock climbing, my subject is often close by because we are physically tied to each other. When my subject is right in front of me with a massive landscape behind them, this ultra-wide angle lens shines. At 17mm, I’m easily able to fully capture my subject and the background.

Tamron 35-150 mm F2-2,8 DI III VXD (Modelo A058)

Si sólo pudiera quedarme con un objetivo el resto de mi vida, sería éste. Una calidad incomprensible, una distancia focal variable y un rango de apertura impresionante sitúan a este objetivo en una categoría aparte.


Captar la profundidad de una escena con un objetivo gran angular puede resultar complicado. El primer plano desempeña un papel fundamental en la creación de imágenes interesantes con este objetivo. A menudo busco líneas que conduzcan al sujeto o flora y fauna interesantes en primer plano para enmarcar el fondo más amplio de la imagen general.

I love to get creative with sun rays on backlit images. It’s not for everyone, but I love the look and I think that I can often make even the most boring scenes look interesting. However, I hate “Ghosting” and “Red Dot” flare. Thankfully the BBAR (Broad-Band Anti-Reflection) coating on this lens drastically reduces these abnormalities.


You can play with effect by adjusting the aperture on your lens. At f/2.8 you’ll get a soft “Veiling” style flare and as you close it down to f/22 you’ll notice much more intense rays.


The long focal length on this lens allows me to really provide a sense of scale to my images by utilizing a technique called compression. This works best when your subject is faraway. As you zoom into your subject, you’ll see that the background starts to look bigger as the subject and the background start “compressing” and filling more of the frame.

La baja apertura f/2 de este objetivo permite obtener un gran bokeh y disparar con poca luz.

La versatilidad de este objetivo me permite fotografiar desde paisajes y retratos hasta fauna salvaje.

Para ver más de Sentry Kelly, consulte su sitio web o síguenos en Instagram.

Más información sobre el 17-28mm F2.8 y el 35-150mm F2-2.8 en un distribuidor autorizado Tamron en su zona o visite la Tienda TAMRON hoy.

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