Tamron Celebrates the 70th Anniversary of Its Foundation

Contato: Lisa Keller
(631) 858-8409

  1. Tamron Celebrates the 70th Anniversary of Its Foundation

    Revises its corporate mission, corporate vision, and brand slogan looking toward the 100th anniversary

  2. November 1, 2020, Commack, NY – Tamron Co., Ltd. celebrated the 70th anniversary of its founding on November 1, 2020. Tamron hereby extends its heartfelt appreciation to all its stakeholders, including its customers, for their support over the last 70 years.

    Established in 1950 as Taisei Optical Equipment Manufacturing, Tamron has come a long way as it develops and designs lenses, and designs and manufactures other components through perseverance in its optical technology research and challenging technological innovation over the years. Tamron has created many revolutionary, original products along the way, including products that broke new ground as the first of their kind in the optics industry or in the world. Tamron has grown into one of the few comprehensive optical equipment manufacturers in the world equipped with global, integrated infrastructure that enables it to conduct businesses, covering R&D, planning, design, production, sales, and support. Tamron continues to provide groundbreaking products in a wide range of fields, including interchangeable lenses for DSLR and mirrorless cameras, lenses for surveillance cameras, lenses for factory automation and machine vision, lenses for vehicle-mounted cameras, lenses for drones and lenses for medical applications.

    Ahead of the 70th anniversary, Tamron reviewed its corporate mission and goals for the future, setting its sights on the realization of a sustainable society and seeking to pass its founding spirit down to future generations and keep it thriving in the next decades and ultimately become a company that achieves a century of history. Based on the review, Tamron revised its corporate mission and corporate vision, and formulated a structure for its corporate philosophy, integrating approaches and a code of conduct for the realization of the mission and the vision.

    Additionally, Tamron developed a unified global brand slogan to communicate its position of looking hard at the future and focusing on it, in addition to optical technologies.

    1. New Corporate Philosophy Structure

    70th Corporate Philosophy Structure

    Corporate Mission
    Tamron creates emotion and reassurance through its mastery of light, contributing to the realization of a fulfilling-society.

    Corporate Vision
    Carving out the future with light
    We pursue optical technologies, aiming for a fulfilling society that offers joy, emotion and reassurance.
    We expand the possibilities of light by addressing many of society’s issues for the future providing value around the world.

    Our Approach
    We genuinely approach all situations fairly and equitably through careful examination of the actual location, subject and circumstances.
    We are open-minded, unconstrained by conventional wisdom, and embrace infinite possibilities.

    We create value, addressing many of society’s issues through teamwork.
    Tamron will continue striving to be a company respected and genuinely needed by society, creating emotion and reassurance, and addressing social issues through its business activities.

    Corporate Mission and Vision: https://www.tamron.com/company/corporate_philosophy.html

    2. Brand Slogan and Statement

    Focus on the Future

    Tamron is focused on the future.
    We are committed as an optical specialist to create new value and direction in optics with our long-accumulated optical technologies and address many social issues in the future.
    Tamron delivers emotion and reassurance around the world toward a more fulfilling society.
    We will never stop rising to new challenges.

    3. About 70th Anniversary Special Page
    Tamron created a commemorative website celebrating the 70th anniversary of its foundation. The website showcases the company’s 70-year history and the stand-out classic products it has developed and manufactured are introduced. We hope that you give it a look.
    70th Anniversary Special Page: https://www.tamron-usa.com/70th/

    Tamron 70th Anniversary logo

    Sobre a Tamron Co., Ltd.
    A TAMRON fornece uma ampla gama de produtos ópticos originais, desde lentes intercambiáveis para câmeras digitais até vários dispositivos ópticos para o consumidor em geral e OEM. Fabricamos produtos ópticos que contribuem para uma série de setores diferentes e continuaremos a dedicar nossa rica criatividade e nossa capacidade técnica de ponta a vários campos industriais. Além disso, a TAMRON tem plena consciência de sua responsabilidade para com o meio ambiente e aspira a ajudar a preservar o ambiente natural em todas as suas atividades comerciais.

    Linha de produtos ópticos:

    Lentes intercambiáveis para câmeras SLR de 35 mm/digitais, lentes intercambiáveis para câmeras do tipo não-reflex, lentes para filmadoras, lentes para câmeras fotográficas digitais, lentes para drones, unidades de dispositivos ópticos, lentes para câmeras de vigilância, lentes para visão artificial e de máquina, lentes para câmeras automotivas, módulo de câmera, placas de teste etc.

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