TAMRON Announces Update of TAMRON Lens Utility™ and TAMRON Lens Utility Mobile™
The lens customization software expands the possibilities of still photography and video shooting.
May 30, 2024, Commack, NY – TAMRON Americas, a leading provider of high-quality lenses, announces updates of the TAMRON Lens Utility, dedicated computer software, and the TAMRON Lens Utility Mobile, dedicated application for Android1 OS compatible smartphones and tablets. This update will provide additional functionality for greater convenience in the field and expands the possibilities of still and video photography. The software versions will change from the currently released Ver.2.0 to Ver.3.0, and the updated version will be available for download starting May 30, 2024.
* Para usar o TAMRON Lens Utility Mobile, você precisará atualizar o firmware de uma lente compatível. Para realizar atualizações do firmware da lente, use o TAMRON Lens Utility para PC.
* When using the mobile version, the dedicated TAMRON Connection Cable (USB Type-C to Type-C/ Model CC-350) is required.
* Information on lens firmware updates is posed to the support page (https://www.tamron.com/global/consumer/support/) as needed. In addition, check a compatible lens list from the following link. (https://www.tamron.com/jp/consumer/support/help/lensutility/en/compatible_lenses/)TAMRON Lens Utility and TAMRON Lens Utility Mobile Ver.3.0 overviews
October 2021 marked the release of TAMRON Lens Utility, a dedicated computer software that allows users to customize the functions of various TAMRON lenses according to their photographic and video shooting styles. In November 2022, we released TAMRON Lens Utility Mobile for Android OS, as we received many requests for the ability to customize lens functions in the field. In pursuit of even greater convenience, TAMRON has upgraded existing functions, added new functions for both the computer and mobile software, and added a new function exclusively for TAMRON Lens Utility Mobile.
We plan to further expand and enhance functions to make video production more friendly to our customers.Additional features with the Ver.3.0 update
● Delay Time Start (upgrade to an existing feature)
This feature delays activation of a focus shift after the Focus Set Button has been pressed to activate. This is used to avoid shaking or button noises to be recorded when the Focus Set Button is pressed, and action starts.
* In addition to the Focus Set Button on the lens, this can also be used with the Remote Set Button with the TAMRON Lens Utility Mobile.● Focus Stopper (new feature)
This feature fixes the focus range when manual focus is operated during video shooting. This will prevent the user from over passing the focal point.
* The stopper will automatically be released when switching to AF mode.
* In addition to the Focus Set Button on the lens, this feature could also be controlled from the Digital Follow Focus (DFF) featured in the TAMRON Lens Utility Mobile.● Astro Focus Lock (Astro FC-L) (new feature)
This feature fixes the focus on stars, which is useful for astrophotography. The focus is shifted to infinity and operation of the focus ring will be disabled (locked). Locking the focus ring prevents the focus from slipping through inadvertent operation.
* In addition to the Focus Set Button on the lens, this can also be used with the Digital Follow Focus (DFF) with the TAMRON Lens Utility Mobile.● Digital Follow Focus (DFF) (new dedicated feature only for TAMRON Lens Utility Mobile)
This feature allows you to fix a focus range between two points and perform focus operations from your smartphone screen, just like follow focus techniques. The direction of rotation of the aperture and focus rings, units indicated, and EV steps can also be changed.* Aperture ring control and EV step configuration is not supported on Nikon Z mount lenses.
To learn more, please check the page introducing features of the TAMRON Lens Utility.
1 Android é uma marca registrada da Google LLC.
2 Compatível apenas com dispositivos Android equipados com portas USB Tipo C.Para perguntas sobre a mídia, entre em contato:
Jessica Kelly, gerente de comunicações de marketing, kelly@tamron.comSobre a TAMRON Co., Ltd.
A TAMRON fornece uma ampla gama de produtos ópticos originais, desde lentes intercambiáveis para câmeras digitais até vários dispositivos ópticos para o consumidor em geral e OEM. Fabricamos produtos ópticos que contribuem para uma série de setores diferentes e continuaremos a dedicar nossa rica criatividade e nossa capacidade técnica de ponta a vários campos industriais. Além disso, a TAMRON tem plena consciência de sua responsabilidade para com o meio ambiente e aspira a ajudar a preservar o ambiente natural em todas as suas atividades comerciais.Linha de produtos ópticos:
Lentes intercambiáveis para câmeras Mirrorless e DSLR, lentes para câmeras de vigilância em rede, lentes para FA e visão mecânica, lentes para teleconferência, módulos de câmera, lentes para câmeras automotivas, lentes para câmeras digitais compactas e câmeras de vídeo, lentes para drones, dispositivos médicos e várias unidades de dispositivos ópticos.# # #