Tamron USA Announces New Series of Free Webinars With Tamron Pro Photographers
Six new PRO WEBINAR sessions start beginning November 10th
November 2, 2020, Commack, NY – Tamron EUA, Inc. announces a new series of TAMRON PRO WEBINARS covering a variety of subject matter starting November 10th. Free registration to all sessions can be made from Tamron’s Local Events page at https://www.tamron-usa.com/special/events.html.
November 10th, 9:00pm – 10:30pm ET
Let’s Go Around the World: A Guide to Capturing Amazing International Travel Portraits with Glynn Lavender
What’s the secret to approaching complete strangers in the streets and markets of the world and getting them to pose for your portraits? What’s your next step if they agree to be photographed? Join Glynn as he discusses his approach, talks gear and shares some images and stories from recent trips to India, Bangladesh and Myanmar. Registration Link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5180228498251566093November 17th, 9:00pm – 10:30pm ET
Let’s Go Backpacking: A Guide to Creating Astonishing Landscape and Nature Images When Traveling with Alyce Bender
Have you ever wondered how to plan and create stunning nature photos while traveling? How do you balance the desire to carry all your gear with the need to keep weight manageable when backpacking? Let me answer these and other questions you might have as I walk you through the steps I take, both on and off the trail and from planning to post-production, to create my award-winning nature images. This presentation will give you tips, tricks, and tools on how to make the most of your next outdoor adventure and come home with beautiful images to remember it by. Registration Link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6749628514785781261November 24th, 9:00pm – 10:30pm ET
Let’s Go Photograph Animals: A Guide to Better Wildlife Photography with Cecil Holmes
Join Cecil as he shares with you his approach to photographing animals. He will discuss how to plan and prepare for each shoot, as well as his favorite tools, lenses, which composition works best, and tips & tricks for creating compelling images of animals and wildlife. We will also talk about places that provide excellent practice opportunities for wildlife photography. Join us for this virtual safari full of information, images, and funny stories. Registration Link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8040361707306599949December 1st, 9:00pm – 10:30pm ET
Let’s Go to The Movies: A Guide to Creating Great Family Fun Movies with Charley Voorhis
They say a photo is worth 1,000 words, so what does that say for a video? Time is fleeting and we often loose our precious memories to the past. The most vivid way to look back and reflect on our stories is through video. My webinar will walk through my process of capturing a family trip to remember and share for the future. Registration Link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8089591240928911373December 8th, 9:00pm – 10:30pm ET
Let’s Go to the Playground: A Guide to Fun Family Photos with Marcie Reif
Go along behind the scenes with Marcie Reif as she shares all her secrets to fun family photos. She will share her planning process, what she takes along to the shoot, and how she interacts with the families to create laughter and joyful images. Marcie will share her favorite lenses to use, camera settings, ideal locations, and how to problem solve when things don’t go quite as planned. Registration Link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2957164420959704334December 15th, 9:00pm – 10:30pm ET
Let’s Go to Alaska: A Guide to Capturing Landscapes in Cold Climates with Jake Sloan
Capturing landscapes in cold climates takes extra preparation and precautions to be ready for temperatures well below zero in the winter and wildlife encounters in the summer. Knowing your gear inside and out, preparing for a cold weather trip, and having a clear idea of what you want to capture are key to landscape photography in cold climates. From simple tips and tricks to how to dress, I’ll unpack my process for surviving a trip to capture some of Alaska’s incredible beauty. Registration Link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1819854881955786254Sobre a Tamron Co., Ltd.
"Novos olhos para a indústria" é a filosofia da Tamron. Esse credo é consistente com a posição da empresa como fabricante de uma ampla gama de produtos ópticos originais, desde lentes intercambiáveis para câmeras SLR até vários dispositivos ópticos para o consumidor em geral e OEM. A Tamron fabrica produtos ópticos que contribuem para uma série de diferentes setores e continuará a dedicar sua rica criatividade e proeza técnica de ponta a vários campos industriais. Além disso, a Tamron tem plena consciência de sua responsabilidade com o meio ambiente e aspira a ajudar a preservar o ambiente natural em todas as suas atividades comerciais.A Tamron marcará o 70º aniversário de sua fundação em 1º de novembro de 2020. Por meio deste documento, estendemos nosso sincero agradecimento aos nossos clientes por seu apoio e patrocínio, que permitiram à Tamron administrar nossos negócios por tanto tempo. Em 1950, nossa precursora, a Taisei Optical Equipment Manufacturing, foi estabelecida com base na crença de nossos fundadores no potencial da luz. Nossa história corporativa começou com 13 funcionários polindo lentes para câmeras e binóculos. Desde então, temos buscado a pesquisa de tecnologia óptica e a inovação tecnológica para avançar no desenvolvimento e no design de lentes e outros componentes. Inventamos vários produtos revolucionários e originais, inclusive itens que abriram novos caminhos como os primeiros de seu tipo no setor ou no mundo. Atualmente, nos tornamos um fabricante global de equipamentos ópticos com aproximadamente 5.000 funcionários que realizam desenvolvimento, fabricação e vendas de forma abrangente. Continuaremos a oferecer o valor da luz de uma forma que é exclusiva da Tamron, para proporcionar entusiasmo e segurança com o objetivo de contribuir ainda mais e permanecer vital para a sociedade nos próximos dez anos e além, rumo ao nosso 100º aniversário. Agradecemos por seu apoio contínuo e inestimável. Procure por atividades ao longo do ano centradas nesse marco e acompanhe nossa história em: https://tamron.com/70th/
Linha de produtos ópticos:
Lentes intercambiáveis para câmeras SLR de 35 mm/digitais, lentes intercambiáveis para câmeras do tipo não-reflex, lentes para filmadoras, lentes para câmeras fotográficas digitais, lentes para drones, unidades de dispositivos ópticos, lentes para câmeras de vigilância, lentes para visão artificial e de máquina, lentes para câmeras automotivas, módulo de câmera, placas de teste etc.
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