April, 2015, Commack, New York – Tamron USA announced today their first foray into phototainment with Season 1 of a video series designed to entertain while teaching valuable photo tips for all levels of photographers. Launched in conjunction with year two of their national Tailgate Tour to promote photography, the six-episode series captures the adventures of two photo road warriors as they make their way across the country, capturing some of the most beautiful photo vistas in the United States. The series features photographer and filmmaker André Costantini, and portrait and landscape photographer Ken Hubbard.
In a lesson taken from some current successful binge series, all six episodes of the Tamron Tailgate Tour Unofficial Field Guide season will premiere on May 1st on YouTube.com/tamronvids. The playlist for all six episodes is here. The episode descriptions are as follows:
Episode 1: André and Ken explore the Dunes in Death Valley, talk turkey and catch a sunset in Kens favorite park.
Episode 2: André and Ken take the van to the Racetrack on an unpaved road to witness the unexplainable.
Episode 3: André and Ken battle the elements and a cactus in search of great images around Zion.
Episode 4: André and Ken shoot the sunrise at Horseshoe Bend, discuss proper free fall techniques and harass each other at Antelope Canyon.
Episode 5: André and Ken take a trip to “Monkey Lake” and photograph the Milky Way at the Red Toadstools.
Episode 6: André and Ken experience a life changing event at the Grand Canyon.
André and Ken are like Tamrons photo ‘odd couple’. They have a long history together as friends, pro photographers and photo educators, and their banter tends to showcase their brotherly love/hate relationship, which adds to the fun of the series, said Stacie Errera, Chief Marketing Officer of Tamron USA. The Tamron Tailgate Tour covered over 32,000 miles last year, and in addition to all of the camera store stops, they were able to capture amazing images across the country. While showcasing their photographic talents, they passed the time with a lot of laughs and a few insults, and we thought it would be fun to capture their adventures in an educationally-based web series.
While Ken and I arent exactly the iconic TV Odd Couple, I guess we bring our own brand of honesty that I think photo enthusiasts will appreciate, said André. Its a no-holds-barred expose that captures maybe one too many hours together in a van. Planning for continuing the series into 2017 is already underway.
Season 1 is being released in conjunction with this years Tamron Tailgate Tour, which will offer a seminar in camera stores across the country called The Field Guide to Inspired Photography: See It, Capture It, Work It. The 2-hour evening course will be available for $25 in over 75 cities.
The Tamron Tailgate Tour works with local camera retailers to deliver a unique learning experience. The Tamron equipped van will pull into the parking lot and set up for a full day of education.
Sobre a Tamron
"Novos olhos para a indústria" é a filosofia da Tamron. Esse credo é consistente com a posição da empresa como fabricante abrangente de uma ampla gama de produtos ópticos originais, desde lentes intercambiáveis para câmeras SLR até vários dispositivos ópticos para o consumidor em geral e OEM. A Tamron fabrica produtos ópticos que contribuem para uma série de diferentes setores e continuará a dedicar sua rica criatividade e proeza técnica de ponta a vários campos industriais. Além disso, a Tamron tem plena consciência de sua responsabilidade com o meio ambiente e aspira a ajudar a preservar o ambiente natural em todas as suas atividades comerciais. Entre suas muitas inovações ópticas e mecânicas desde a fundação da empresa em 1950, o desenvolvimento da Tamron de elementos asféricos híbridos produzidos em massa abriu caminho para as lentes All-In-One compactas de alta potência atuais quando, em 1992, essa tecnologia foi incorporada à inovadora 28-200 mm. A Tamron continua a liderar essa categoria de lentes com a 18-270 mm Di II VC PZD - a menor e mais leve lente zoom multifuncional de 15X do mundo, com o sistema VC (Vibration Compensation) exclusivo da Tamron para fotografar sem borrões com a câmera na mão, com pouca luz e em configurações de telefoto, e o sistema de foco automático PZD (Piezo Drive) para uma operação de foco automático rápida e silenciosa. Os recentes lançamentos de lentes SP (Super Performance) da Tamron receberam elogios das principais revistas e sites de fotografia por seu excelente desempenho. A Tamron foi aclamada internacionalmente por sua extensa linha de lentes profissionais e de consumo.
Linha de produtos ópticos:
Lentes intercambiáveis para câmeras SLR, lentes para câmeras digitais, lentes para câmeras de vídeo, lentes para aplicações automotivas, lentes para IP e CCTV, lentes para câmeras infravermelhas de comprimento de onda longo, componentes ópticos de ultraprecisão e muito mais.
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